Texas CTE Resource Center

CTE Resource Center Website
The CTE resource center is a one-stop shop for CTE professional development, instructional
materials, and program information.
CTE Resource Index
Find resources according to career clusters, grade range, material type, audience, or special population. Includes materials like activities and labs, assessments, career development, games, assignments, lesson plans, scope and sequence, student guides, etc..
TEA Correspondence - Online Professional Development Modules for CTE TEKS Implementation
The Texas Education Agency has developed 19 professional development modules to support the revised Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) that will be implemented beginning with the 2017-2018 school year.
6-12; CTE
"Gain instant access to the CTE content you seek, whether you are looking for “just-in-time” resources that you can leverage during a particular lesson, resources that you can assign to students, or self-directed PD training courses that you can take to earn CPE credit hours. This is the one-stop shop to the content you need for your CTE classroom and for yourself, even as these needs shift from day to day."
The following are the career clusters available: