Special Education

Transition in Texas

"This transition and employment guide is for you, the student in Texas public school, who may have received special education services due to a disability. It also provides helpful information for your parents. This guide has steps you and your parents can take to make sure you are able to find the right work or educational choices for you after high school. It also tells you where to get the services you will need after high school."

Texas Transition

Pathways - The Texas Transition & Employment Guide to a Successful Life After High School for Students with Disabilities

Trayectorias - La guia de transicion y empleo de Texas para una vida exitosa despues del bachillerato para alumnos con discapacidades



TEA - Resources on Special Education in Texas

SpedTex Logo

Updates on Special Education

For Special Education Referrals, contact Linda Duenez at 361-286-3212 extension 313.

Actualizaciones en Educacion Especial

Para referencias de educación especial, comuníquese con Linda Duenez al 361-286-3212 extensión 313.

Delayed or Denied Evaluations & Compensatory Services

Evaluaciones Retrasadas o Denegadas & Servicios Compensatorios